Capture the moment - at Tre Place

Few weeks ago I went to Tre Place restaurant to eat lunch with my family. It had a very nice view and the food was good. After finished lunch me and my sister walked around the place and took some picture. Here are some that I love the most.

My crazy sister.

Her again.
I prefer this one because she look more natural and comfortable.

A strange framed sign hang on the WC's wall...
By the way the restaurant's WC is pretty clean and good-smell.

Precious Moment.
While eating, I saw an old man that was playing and taking care of his grand daughter.They looked so happy and cute so I captured it.

I have always loved taking picture of people's normal life. They don't have to act, pose or anything, just laughing with their friends naturally, or a mom thinking of what to buy for dinner, .ect.. I love their expression and their true self.



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