Tea Talk Tilado ~ 1 (Draft Paper) :Same-sex Marriage: Same but Different
While there are many similarities between gay and straight marriages, a decade of social science research shows that same-sex couples have also adapted the institution in various ways.
One of the most notable findings was that by nearly every measure, same-sex couples reported higher levels of happiness in their relationships than straight couples. Gay couples reported far less conflict than heterosexual couples and higher levels of intimacy. Gay couples were more likely to feel that they could confide in their partners, experience high levels of affection and be happier with their sex lives.
Even though gay couples reported more overall happiness in their relationships, they also were more likely to break up. After three years of follow-up, the breakup rate among gay couples in the study who were not in civil unions was 9.3 percent. Gay couples in civil unions had a breakup rate of 3.8 percent, while only 2.7 percent of heterosexual couples had split up.
However, “Often when we talk about breaking up or divorce or unhappiness, we assume those are all the same things,” Dr. Rothblum, a professor of women’s studies at San Diego State University said. “But presumably there are lots of people still married who are miserable and others who are quicker to break up. Just because heterosexual couples stay together longer does not mean they are always happy. It may just be that there are external reasons, more societal pressures that couples face to stay together.”
Heterosexual (adj) (of a person) sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.
Adapt (v) make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify:
Institution (n) an established law, practice, or custom:
Intimacy (n) close familiarity or friendship; closeness:
confide in (v.p) trust (someone) enough to tell them of a secret or private matter:
Question / Discussion
One of the most notable findings was that by nearly every measure, same-sex couples reported higher levels of happiness in their relationships than straight couples. Gay couples reported far less conflict than heterosexual couples and higher levels of intimacy. Gay couples were more likely to feel that they could confide in their partners, experience high levels of affection and be happier with their sex lives.
Even though gay couples reported more overall happiness in their relationships, they also were more likely to break up. After three years of follow-up, the breakup rate among gay couples in the study who were not in civil unions was 9.3 percent. Gay couples in civil unions had a breakup rate of 3.8 percent, while only 2.7 percent of heterosexual couples had split up.
However, “Often when we talk about breaking up or divorce or unhappiness, we assume those are all the same things,” Dr. Rothblum, a professor of women’s studies at San Diego State University said. “But presumably there are lots of people still married who are miserable and others who are quicker to break up. Just because heterosexual couples stay together longer does not mean they are always happy. It may just be that there are external reasons, more societal pressures that couples face to stay together.”
Heterosexual (adj) (of a person) sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.
Adapt (v) make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify:
Institution (n) an established law, practice, or custom:
Intimacy (n) close familiarity or friendship; closeness:
confide in (v.p) trust (someone) enough to tell them of a secret or private matter:
Question / Discussion
- In your opinion, why do same-sex couples reported higher levels of happiness in their relationships than straight couples?
- In your opinion, what makes the same-sex couples breakup more likely than normal couples? (because of external reasons or internal reasons?,…)
- What do you think of people’s attitude toward same-sex marriage in our country? (approved, supportive,… or disapproved, disgusted?)
- Do you approve same-sex marriage or not? Why?
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